
The goal is to add ability for FreeIPA-joined workstations to be able to connect to our Wi-Fi network safe way. To both secure, simplify and automate this task, this is used:

  • Authenticated subjects are workstations, not users.
  • Workstations request their individual certificates themselves.
  • Certificates are issued by FreeIPA-integrated DogTag PKI.
  • Workstations renew certificates automatically using certmonger
  • Certificates are short-living (90 days in my case)

The authentication I will use is EAP-TLS, which is quite common authenticateion mechanism.

I also have Active Directory joined clients connecting to the same Access Point. I need to proxy their authentication to Microsoft Network Policy Server (NPS) RADIUS server.

Important note about certificates in this guide

Despite the fact that I use certificate authentication, I will make impossible to use certificate revocation mechanisms provided by FreeIPA for certificates I use for Wi-Fi authentication. The reason is simple: I do not want to overload my LDAP with certificates, that is why I will tell IPA not to save certificates to userCertificate attribute.

The consequences of such a decision will be as follows:

  • Certificates are not saved to LDAP userCertificate
  • As FreeIPA does not have information about certificate, it cannot revoke it.
  • Checking certificate revocation by FreeRADIUS is useless, as certificates will never be revoked

Compensatory measures that I will apply:

  • Certificates will be short-lived: 60 days.
  • FreeRADIUS will check for existence of identity in LDAP
  • FreeRADIUS will will check if creationDate of LDAP object is less than certificate’s notBefore date
    • For those who never seen creationDate attribute: this is operational LDAP attribute and may not be displayed by default.

Please note that if you plan using this certificate for anything else, you should understand it is not revokeable.